Thursday, April 22, 2010

outlines are done!

Have stitched pretty regularly the past few nights -- and have completed the outlines for all of the leaves as well. Hooray! I'm now going to put it away until June, where my goal will be to fill in the leaves. (Blue shading, green shading, blue fill, green fill... but it would be okay if I don't finish all the fill as I'm missing 2 weeks.)

For the rest of April I am going to try and carve out scrapbook time -- I'd really really like to get Florida done... or at least WDW and KSC. That would be a huge win... somehow it seems doubtful that I will get the cruise stuff done quickly... Speaking of scrapbooks, I read something interesting today -- how people struggle with their journaling, but the real issue is that layouts and journaling are very different activities. Some recommend just leaving room -- a tag, a shape, whatever -- for the words to fill in later. I think I'll start trying to do that. Maybe then I'll move through the messy stuff more quickly!

In May I want to stitch the camel to finish the basic stitching in the nativity set. Doing the tassels and beads, etc., would be a stretch goal. AND I want to absolutely finish the Florida book... with the idea being that in June, after we get back, I'll prep the Europe scrapbook and complete it in July. (I love how I sound so positive about it!)

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