Saturday, October 30, 2010

camel complete!

FINALLY finished the stitching on the camel! Also did the tiny bit of beading on the three wisemen and camel. Funny, Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds didn't have any jewels on them. :) So now there's nowt but the making up to do. Kinda terrifying. Really hesitant to do that ... largely because I don't have a lot of faith that they'll stand up, etc. I'm putting them aside for a tiny while... to give myself a break from them.

Also put together the basic "envelopes" for my NYC album... though I had a very hard time setting the grommets. One didn't work, and needs a brad instead. Which will be fine.

I would like to do some brainstorming -- what "art" will I create every day in November? I think I have a number of projects I should work on.....

1. B&K minifigs - need to sketch the features, paint
2. B&K pillos -- need to get the "right" pictures, print, sew
3. birthday calendars -- need to choose the 12 pictures, get prints, trim, put together, and get ready to send

Those would be fantastic. And, of course, there's poor Hare, waiting for his leaves to be stitched...

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