Sunday, February 28, 2010

February wrap up

Didn't quite get the bunny stitched... didn't finish the Disney scrapbook... didn't start the WDW scrapbook... didn't even get the pictures done for the Bub & Kiki project...

But, I did make a lot of progress on Hare -- finishing the leaves and flowers, and getting a lot of the rabbit stitched. My plan now is to stitch the rest of the rabbit and then put it aside until April.

Also, I made a lot of progress on the Disneyland scrapbook -- just a few pages on rides, etc., left to scrap. Also ordered enough refill pages to finish the book out. So something of a success. My plan is to scrap the rest of the rides pages, assemble the scrapbook, and call it good. Next scrapbook project is the 2010 WDW trip.

And I made up the fleur de lis stitchery into a very pretty cushion as a birthday present for Suz. Epic win. :)

Oh, and I made a very decent facsimile of a Flying Holiday for Valentine's Day for Wil. Yay me.

So... pretty decent result for the shortest month of the year. Here's the plan for March:

1. Finish stitching the bunny, then put it away until April.
2. Finish the Disneyland / "Year of Disney" scrapbook.
3. Cross stitch the "wise man in green".
4. Scrapbook the WDW races, and maybe WDW, too?
5. Stretch goal: scrapbook the entire 2010 Florida trip -- Kennedy Space Center and the Cruise.

Okay! Keeping this blog always makes me feel so excited about crafting.

Oh, and just so I capture this somewhere, I thought of another great project -- a "52 things I love about you" book based on a deck of cards. :)

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